Page 1: Blog Category: "Weekend Edition"

Collateral Consequences After Criminal Conviction
Collateral Consequences of Arrests & Convictions Criminal convictions come with a variety of upfront consequences. If convicted of certain types of crimes, you’ll find yourself having to pay restitution, fines and fees. You might also have to do a certain...
Conviction Rates on the Rise
WHAT PERCENTAGE OF AMERICANS HAVE FELONY CONVICTIONS? If you find yourself in jail looking for bail on felony charges, you can rest assured you are not alone in the U.S. in the 21st-century. Although it is difficult to source accurate data regarding crime rates in the...
Weekend Edition – The Brownie Lady
Pot Brownies You’ve heard about them. Seen them in films, and perhaps even unwittingly tried one at a party in college. Today we dive into the fascinating history of the pot brownie and how it became so popular. But first, a disclaimer. A Disclaimer from our...
Weekend Edition – Clint’s Favorite Podcast Ever
Welcome to the new version of the Weekend Edition, we took the holiday weekend off thanks to a Black Friday shopping hangover. Let’s get to it. Craig v. Boren, US Supreme Court Of course, you do! In 1976 the United States Supreme Court heard an oral argument...
Weekend Edition: Mountain Jane Doe
For this Weekend Edition, we’re watching a series of videos about Mountain Jane Doe. This 1969 Kentucky cold case was solved through DNA tests and a team of citizens who regularly comb through a database of unsolved murders.
Weekend Edition: Strike Team
This weekend we are listening to the ESPN Films 30 for 30 Shorts podcast about the 1980’s United States Marshal Service sting to apprehend dozens of fugitives in one operation. During the early 80’s the USMS was underfunded, and the cost and risk of arresting...