For this installment of Weekend Edition, the lawyers at Bury Your Past are listening to Ear Hustle – Episode 9 – Gold Coats and OGs. This episode covers what happens when an incarcerated felon ages or becomes invalid. The difficulties we all face as we age...
For this Weekend Edition, the lawyers at Bury Your Past are listening to an episode of Reveal that examines the life of felons in a court-ordered work camp. Reveal’s podcast “All Work. No Pay. Life at a rehab work camp.”, discusses the unintended...
Bury Your Past is part of theWyatt Law Officewhich isa statewide criminal law practice. We look forward to helping clients expunge Oklahoma criminal records so they can live better lives. Start your expungement today.
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It’s our job to “bury your past” and we take it very seriously. If an expungement is possible, we’ll get it done.