Contact Our Low Cost Oklahoma Expungement Lawyers - Law Offices in Oklahoma City & Tulsa.

New Expungement Laws in Oklahoma

You can Bury your past by expunging your Oklahoma criminal or arrest records. Qualifying cases can be cleared by our Oklahoma expungement attorneys in 60 to 75 days. This can give you the freedom to enjoy life without a criminal past. For over 30 years we have established a 99% success rate in expunging criminal records for Oklahoma residents. Our “flat rate” Oklahoma expungement attorneys work for you. Contact expungement lawyers at Bury Your Past today. Ask about affordable, low cost Oklahoma expungements.

Take advantage of new laws helping more Oklahomans qualify for felony record expungement than ever before. Get your life back! Contact the experienced expungement attorneys at Bury Your Past today.

Do You Need An Oklahoma Expungement Attorney?

If you qualify, why not clear your record? Scroll down for common reasons to seek expungement. There are 15 types of expungements available in Oklahoma. Our OKC and Tulsa expungement attorneys are ready to help you today. Complete a deferred sentence? You probably qualify. Deferred conviction? Let us prepare your case for expungement. Not all firms have lawyers that handle expungements. At Bury Your Past, low cost Oklahoma expungements are our specialty!

Expunge Your
Oklahoma Arrest Record

Click below to bury your past and take your life back today!

What is an expungement? An expungement is the clearing of the arrest AND plea record in your criminal case. Apply to clear your record today.

It all begins with a simple confidential application. Next, you will have FREE follow-up consultation with one of our Oklahoma expungement attorneys. Schedule a consultation with one of our expungement attorneys. With our help, you’ll be well on your way to a buried past and a brighter future. 


Good News: As of November 1st, 2019, new laws will allow for more Oklahoma felony expungements. 

New Expungement Laws in Oklahoma

There is no reason your past mistakes should keep you from living a better life. Due to a recent change in the law, more people are eligible than ever before. Our Oklahoma expungement attorneys can help. Call your Tulsa expungement attorney, Clint James at 918-409-0417. Contact our Oklahoma City expungement attorney, Bob Wyatt.

  • Are you looking for a better job due to low pay?
  • Were you turned away from the border on vacation?
  • Need to move to a different or better apartment because of a bad neighborhood?
  • Do you want to restore your reputation and dignity while you still can?
  • Have you been denied access to education programs because of your arrest record?
  • Denied the right to buy or own a firearm due to a felony conviction?
  • Do you have an old felony conviction? More people qualify for an Oklahoma felony expungement than ever before.

Expunging your record can help you solve these problems. Don’t let your record remain an obstacle. Rather than waiting around for something good to happen, take the first step. Clear your record by hiring experienced Oklahoma expungement attorneys. Our experience is criminal defense. Our attorneys are licensed in the state of Oklahoma with over 30 years of experience. We know how to make the law work for you!

There is nothing we love more than to help our clients erase a criminal record and turn a life around. An expungement is a powerful tool that can open doors. Whether you have only one misdemeanor DUI arrest needing expungement or multiple scars to your record, Bury Your Past lawyers in Tulsa & OKC can help. Start again with a clean slate.

Expunged – 2014 – Domestic Abuse – Tulsa County

A domestic abuse conviction prevents you from owning a firearm under federal law. Stay out of trouble by getting your conviction removed.

Restore Your Reputation

Restore Your Reputation Without doubt, reputation is one of the most important things you have to possess. Certainly, building a positive reputation is vital to living a functional, productive, happy life. But, sometimes things can go a little off the rails. Whether...

Top 5 Reasons to Expunge Your Criminal Record

To begin with, expungement is a legal process that seeks to seal the records of a prior criminal proceeding or conviction. Certainly, there are many offenses that qualify for this legal end. And so, decent Oklahomans seek to seal prior convictions from view by agents...

Expunged and Pardoned – 1981 – Felony Shoplifting

Yes, a felony conviction can be expunged. A felony conviction requires a pardon before you can move to expunge your felony conviction. At Bury Your Past we will sit with you and draft your pardon application to catch the eye of each and every pardon and parole board member to help increase your chances.

Expunged – Oklahoma County – 3 Felony Counts – 991C

Contact our Tulsa Expungement attorney or our Oklahoma City Expungement lawyer regarding options on how you can get your record cleared.

Expunged – 1999 – Burglary – Oklahoma County

Were you charged with second degree burglary? Would you like to get it expunged from your record?

What Is The Oklahoma Pardons Process?

What Is A Pardon? A pardon is a government decision to absolve a person of guilt. The accused learns about the pardon before or after the conviction. Your government may decide to offer you a pardon if officials believe that you paid your debt to society....

Can I Remove An Arrest From My Record?

Certain arrests or convictions can be cleared from your permanent record. This is known as having the arrest or conviction expunged. With corresponding good behavior, in time, minor offenses can be removed from your arrest record.

Expunged – 1998 – Burglary + Stolen Property

Did you do something you regret in the late 90s? Clint James was able to remove this burglary and possession of stolen property arrest from a client’s background check.

Expunged – 2006 – APC – Oklahoma County

Bob Wyatt secured another expungement in 2006 with this Actual Physical Control (APC) expungement in Oklahoma County.

Clear Criminal History, What Does It Mean?

What Does Expungement Mean? The Definition of "Expungement". Expungement gives you the chance to a clear criminal history. It is the best way to bury your past because it amounts to having your criminal records sealed. Undergoing the expungement process is completely...

Expunged – 2008 – Concealed Weapon – Muskogee County

Firearms charges are especially difficult if you are looking to obtain more firearms in the future. An expungement may help you clear your background check when it comes to obtaining new firearms.

Expunged – 1997 – Obtaining CDS by Forgery – Oklahoma County

The law for felony convictions is changing in Oklahoma. Our lawyers can help you clear old felony convictions and restore your rights.

Questions About Expungements

Questions About Expungements   It sort of sounds self explanatory, but there may be more to it than you think. Here at Bury Your Past we are going to go over some frequently asked questions about expungements.   What Does An Expungement Mean?   An expungement is when...

Expunged – 1999 – DUI – Tulsa County

Don’t avoid removing something from your background just because it is old. In fact, old arrests are more likely to be eligible for removal.

Expunged – 2007 – Assault and Battery – Tulsa

Assault and battery charges are considered violent if they are felony charges. Misdemeanors, however, can be removed as long as you are eligible.

Expunged – 1989 – Tulsa County – Bogus Check

If you passed a bogus check or just fell short of funds you can address the old arrest instead of carrying it around for decades.

Expunged – 2015 – Following Too Closely – Tulsa County

Even small tickets can be expunged. Contact the experienced expungement lawyers who know how to get your name erased from public record.

Expunged – 2014 – Domestic Assault – Tulsa County

Avoid federal charges by erasing old domestic abuse convictions. Did you know the BATFE can arrest you for carrying a firearm even if you are are not a convicted felon?

Expunged – 1995 – Shoplifting – Tulsa County

Even minor offenses like shoplifting will impact your arrest record and prevent you from getting a job. Find out if your old arrest can be expunged from your background check today.

What Are The Most Common Crimes That Qualify For Expungements?

We have experience clearing many types of criminal convictions. While the most common expungements include misdemeanor records, Oklahoma felony expungements are on the rise. Thanks to new laws in 2019, an estimated 65,000 Oklahomans qualify for re-classification and eventual expungement of their prior felony conviction.

Oklahoma Expungement Attorneys

Contact Expungement Lawyers in OKC or Tulsa. We help bury your past anywhere in Oklahoma. 

tulsa expungement attorney


2121 Columbia Ave., Ste. 405
Tulsa, OK 74114


(918) 409-0417 – Tulsa


501 N. Walker Ave., Ste. 110
Oklahoma City, OK 73102


(405) 232-0000 – OKC

contact expungement lawyers in OKC

Reasons To Get An Expungement


The labor market after convictions is difficult. It only gets harder when an employer can see every mistake you’ve ever made online. We can erase many arrests and pleas of guilty to help you get that job or promotion you’ve been working toward. Clear your record before starting your job search.

Get the employment and advancement you deserve. Our Tulsa expungement attorney, Clint James or OKC expungement attorney, Bob Wyatt can get started right away. Contact our Oklahoma expungement attorneys.

Restore Your Civil Rights

In Oklahoma, a pardon and expungement can restore your rights. After expungement, you will have:

  • right to own a firearm
  • the right to vote
  • right to serve on a jury
  • the ability to hold certain volunteer positions
  • and the ability to serve on public and private boards

Find out if we can restore your civil rights today.


Apartment complexes, public housing authorities and private banks all run background checks. Both buying and renting can be difficult with a criminal record. We can make this process easier by wiping your criminal history clean. Find out if you are eligible for expungement. Contact Bob Wyatt in Oklahoma City or Clint James, our Tulsa expungement attorney.

New Oklahoma expungement laws now allow more citizens to qualify than ever before.

Professional Licensing

Many professions will not allow licensing or certification with an arrest record. Before you spend the time and effort on education, new certification or license, call us. Get an opinion regarding your eligibility today. Contact one of our Oklahoma expungement attorneys. We’ve helped people with all types of convictions including: misdemeanor deferred convictions, felony deferred sentences, felony convictions with DOC time. Don’t assume. Ask! We want to help clean up your past.

OWN Guns and Ammo

There is no reason a felony conviction should keep you from your God-given 2nd Amendment Rights. A pardon can help restore your right to own a firearm. Our lawyers will go through the application process with you and be there with you every step. Click here if you want to restore your gun rights. Don’t let a small problem in your past control your future. Many more people qualify for expungement than ever before. Don’t let a suspended sentence or deferred conviction follow you for life.

EASE YOUR Foreign travel

You can and will be turned away at foreign borders because you have a criminal record. Foreign countries are surprisingly strict. Many will not allow Americans into their country with an arrest record. Find out if your previous arrest will prevent you from traveling abroad. Felony DUI from the 90’s holding up your passport? Let our OKC and Tulsa DUI expungement attorneys solve this removing your Oklahoma DUI arrest records once and for all. We handle all types of Oklahoma expungements.

Why Go Through The Trouble of Expungement? 

The best answer may be, “Why not?” Expungements are your right. Allowing an arrest or criminal conviction to remain in public record can damage so many areas of your life. In Oklahoma, more people qualify for expungement than ever before. 


There Are 15 Kinds of Expungements In Oklahoma

Here is a quick link to each kind of the 15 different expungements available. Recent expungement laws in Oklahoma help more qualify for expungements than ever before. Because there are so many ways to expunge an Oklahoma arrest record, feel free to call one of our Oklahoma expungement attorneys to learn more. Or start your expungement online with our simple online form.

Deferred Sentences

  • Misdemeanor Deferred Sentence
  • Non-violent Felony Deferred Sentence

Convictions or Suspended Sentences

  • Misdemeanor Conviction (if fined under $501)
  • Misdemeanor Conviction or Suspended Sentence or Fined over $500
  • Non-violent Felony Conviction or Suspended Sentence
  • Two Non-Violent Felony Convictions

Other Categories Of Expungements

  • Arrested, but No Charges Were Filed
  • Dismissal
  • Not Guilty — Acquittal at Trial
  • Conviction Reversed on Appeal
  • Minor under 18 When Convicted
  • Actual Innocence Pardon
  • DNA Exoneration
  • Mistaken Identity (someone else convicted with your name
  • Felony Crimes Re-Classified As Misdemeanors (New 2019 Law)

After Nov. 1, 2019, many felony convictions may be re-classified as misdemeanors. Contact Bury Your Past for more information or start your Oklahoma expungement today.

Oklahoma Expungement Attorneys | Bury Your Past


Start over with the help of our experienced Oklahoma expungement attorneys. By erasing your past, we can help you have a better future. Start for FREE today.

Recent Review from James G. in Tulsa, OK

“I needed to expunge a Tulsa DUI arrest from over 15 years ago. I contacted Clint James online. He called me the very next day. I was surprised at how fast the paperwork was gathered and submitted. Pretty much all I had to do was ask. The rest was done in just over 30 days. So grateful to Clint for clearing up my record.”


Oklahoma Felony Expungement laws are set to change in 2019. Find out if your qualify!


Contact Our Oklahoma Expungement Attorneys

We have two offices located in Oklahoma City and Tulsa, as a result we can cover the entire State of Oklahoma. As a statewide firm, we can help Oklahomans anywhere. Call our Tulsa Expungement attorney, Clint James for expungements in NE Oklahoma. Oklahoma City Expungement attorney, Bob Wyatt practices in Central Oklahoma area courts. New Oklahoma expungement laws help more people qualify. That’s why we have lowered our fee to help more people. The cost of expungement in Oklahoma varies among other firms. We ALWAYS charge one flat fee. Ask about our lower prices for our home counties. Our lawyers can handle your Oklahoma expungement! Contact expungement lawyers at Bury Your Past today.

Expungements in Tulsa and Oklahoma County are different than other counties. Oklahoma City and Tulsa municipal courts are considered “courts of record”. This means they appear on your background check. Extra steps may be required to expunge cases here. Be sure you are hiring expungement attorneys who know what they are doing in their home counties. More Oklahomans now qualify for felony expungements than ever before.

Some Recent Questions From Our Clients

“My son has three charges in the Tulsa municipal court. He received a deferred sentence for all three. How can I have these Tulsa arrest records removed?”

“I received a suspended sentence in Oklahoma for a misdemeanor assault charge. Is this something I can have removed from my record?”

“My wife wants to to clear her Oklahoma arrest record. How can we get started?”

“I’ve read through much of your website and see a lot about expungements. I’ve been told that I would need a pardon if I wanted an old conviction removed from my record. Do you guys also help with pardons?”

There’s one simple answer to all these questions. If you want to erase your Oklahoma arrest record, start an online expungement application. We will review your record and contact you with our findings. More people qualify for relief from prior convictions than you may think. The attorneys at Bury Your Past have the experience and knowledge needed to help you. Call or get started online. 

Run Your Oklahoma Background Check

See what is publicly available by going to our own do it yourself background check. Note that some arrests do not show up with online resources. Your arrests may still be available from the OSBI. What the OSBI has on your arrest record is only available through the OSBI. You have the same right to see your OSBI background check before your potential employers do. Contact our Oklahoma expungement firm today to get your OSBI report. We do all the work making your Oklahoma expungement simple at the lowest cost possible. DIY Background Check

Oklahoma Expungement Attorneys | Bury Your Past


*The cost of expungement in Oklahoma varies with many firms. Bury Your Past - Wyatt Law Office charges one flat, low cost fee for all Oklahoma expungements. Let us help with your misdemeanor or Oklahoma felony expungement. Contact expungement lawyers at Bury Your Past to schedule your confidential consultation.