Expunging A Municipal Offense
Is a municipal arrest or ticket showing up on your arrest record? It might not have seemed like a big deal at the time but municipal arrests WILL show up on a background check.
Every municipal or city charges/tickets or convictions is a misdemeanor. Municipal courts do not have jurisdiction to prosecute a felony. Most city/municipal crimes are reported to the OSBI and show up on your RAP sheet or “criminal hisotry.” There are different expungement procedures that apply depending on whether you were (1) acquitted (i.e., found not guilty), (2) the charges were dismissed, (3) you received and successfully completed a deferred or continued sentence, or (4) received a suspended sentence or were actually put in jail. Under any of these scenarios, you may be eligible either for a Section 18 or Section 991 expungement.
There is also a specific expungement procedure for municipal cases, but with the changes to Section 18, it may not benefit you to proceed under the Municipal Code. Title 11, §27-122.1 provides in relevant part:
“Upon completion of the terms of probation, the defendant shall be discharged without a court judgment of guilt, and the verdict, judgment of guilty, or plea of guilty shall be expunged from the record and the charge dismissed with prejudice to any further action.”
This is effectively a § 991 expungement under the Oklahoma Municipal Code.
We charge a “flat” or “fixed” fee for all municipal expungements. That means that there is one fee for the entire process.
Get Started
If you’d like to get started expunging your municipal arrest, please get in touch with our expungement lawyers here.

Contact our lawyers to expunge your municipal court arrest.