Can I Expunge My Misdemeanor Conviction?
You are eligible for expungement if you received a suspended sentence and a fine over $500.00. Or, you received a jail or prison sentence. If you received a sentence that included the prior conditions, you are eligible for expungement after waiting five years from the end of the misdemeanor sentence. In addition, you cannot have a misdemeanor or felony case pending and you cannot have a felony conviction.
If you aren’t sure whether or not your case qualifies, our lawyers are willing to talk to you about the 15 different kinds of expungements available to see if you are eligible.
Why Do I Have To Wait Longer To Erase A Misdemeanor Conviction?
A misdemeanor conviction requires five years instead of one year because a conviction is more severe. A deferred sentence allows for the possibility of a dismissal and partial expungement. Convictions, however, require the imposition of the sentence when the defendant pleads guilty. As a result, the courts and the Oklahoma legislature require a defendant to wait longer to have his or her case expunged.
What Effect Does An Expungement Have On My Record?
The OSBI deletes your arrest record after we complete your expungement. Therefore, in job or college applications and other pursuits, you may lawfully state the arrest never happened. Expungement erases your arrest record to make it like the arrest never happened.
An expungement removes your case and all of the available pleadings from the public view on OSCN. If you can see your case on OSCN now, there is a good chance your pleadings are available for public viewing. Information such as your full legal name, social security number, address, type of charge, and the arrest report may be online. An expungement strips this information from OSCN and restores your privacy.
How Can I Erase My Mugshot From The Internet?
Because you received an expungement, some mugshot services will remove your mugshot from their public listing. Our firm will circulate a certified copy of the expungement order to certain mugshot services for a small price. The demand letter outlines the previous arrest tied to the mugshot is deemed to “have no longer occurred” as well as a demand for deletion of the photograph.
How Much Does An Expungement Cost in Tulsa or Oklahoma City?
If you are looking for a Tulsa Expungement lawyer or an Oklahoma City Expungement lawyer, our offices reduce their rates because we can walk a few blocks to file your expungement. Normally, our fees are “flat fees” also known as “fixed fees”. The price we quote you is what you are going to pay. Nothing more.
There are very few exceptions to our flat fee arrangement. Unless you need a pardon or have a particularly difficult legal issue, our expungements are at a fixed price and extremely affordable.
Questions To Ask An Expungement Attorney.
Always be sure to ask if the price being quoted includes the filing fee and the fee for the OSBI. Normally, filing fees range anywhere from $128.00 to $150.00+, this varies county to county. Additionally, the OSBI charges a $150.00 fine at the end of an expungement to clear your record. Make sure the quote you receive includes these charges.

Expunge your Oklahoma misdemeanor conviction or misdemeanor suspended sentence.